It's The Season of THANKSgiving

Although the weather doesn’t reflect it (or maybe it does), it’s November in Northeast Wisconsin. It’s the time of year where we tend to self-reflect, give thanks and spread gratitude to others. It’s a time of year when the word “giving” has more meaning.

Giving certainly has a special meaning at CP. Every day, our families, staff and clients give back, give thanks and give it all they’ve got. We are also fortunate to have a very giving community, which makes it possible for CP to help clients reach their goals and redefine what’s possible.

All November, leading up to #GivingTuesday and beyond, is our season of THANKSgiving at CP. It’s a time of year where clients excitedly share what they are grateful for, friends share why they give to CP, and we spend time thanking our community for their generosity over the last year with special treats and messages.  

Check out our video just posted to Facebook. We are excited to bring you more stories as they season progresses, so be sure to like our page so you are up to date.

Our goal is to inspire others to giving thanks, for little things, for big things, for all things – as we spend time giving thanks for you. How will you give thanks this season? If you need some ideas, here are 8 ways to give THANKS for the things in your life: 

  1. Send someone a note via snail mail.
  2. Keep a daily gratitude journal.
  3. Thanks someone, by their name, who isn’t expecting it (The bagger at the grocery story? The receptionist at the office?
  4. Volunteer your time doing something you love.
  5. Leave random (inspiring) notes around the house or the office.
  6. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
  7. Put cookies, cupcakes and candy in the office breakroom for one week.
  8. Give thanks, give back. There are big things coming at CP for 2020, help us reach our goals and continue to inspire. 

Today and every day, THANK you for being a part of the CP family.
