Making Sense of Autism - A Parent Guide

Autism is a word we hear a lot, but may not totally appreciate, and it’s easy to understand why. The word autism represents many different things and can mean many different things. You may have also heard the phrase “autism spectrum.” This refers to the range of conditions a child with autism may have and can include sensory processing challenges, communication issues and behavioral challenges.

For a parent, finding out their child has autism can be a daunting and scary realization. While receiving an autism diagnosis may answer some questions, a whole new set of questions start to formulate, the first on most minds being now what?

Finding the Right Autism Services
Autism services can take on many forms and can include specialized occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech-language therapy. Services can be completed in school, through out-patient therapy, a highly structured in-home program or perhaps a combination of programs. Finding autism services and the right team to develop an individualized care plan can be a lot to navigate, but resources like the parent guide shared below can be helpful.   

Other parent resources include Autism Speaks, Autism Now and My Autism Team.

No matter where you seek services, just about everyone will tell parents the same thing: make connections. Talk to others through a parent support group, a social media group, or whatever you are most comfortable with. These groups can be a tremendous source of support and resources as you navigate the future. Most importantly, they will remind you that you aren’t alone.  
