CP Sure is Thankful

Last week we all had a lot to be thankful for. And more the 80 of you shared your messages of thanks with CP during #GivingTuesdayNow. Messages that we posted to our thankful wall right at CP. And to end the day, we announced a gift matching opportunity. Donations made to CP would be matched (up to $3000) by the Kris Van Dinter family. You can still make your donation if you’d like.

In the end, our #GivingTuesdayNow virtual event turned out pretty amazing. You never know what you are going to get from virtual participation, and this far exceeded our expectations. To me, it was proof that not only are we really in this together, but we are all excited and looking forward to being at CP again soon. 

Speaking of which, our leadership team continues to work on a plan to reopen the doors of CP when it is safe to do so. When we do, daily operations might look a bit different, but together we’ll get there and find our new normal, keeping in mind our end goal of helping everyone live the lives they want to live.

But until then, our very creative staff have done the next best thing by creating videos of different activities to share with all of you. You’ll find a new video posted most days on CP’s Facebook page, but you can browse the entire library on CP’s Video Resources & Activities page. From making guacamole to moon sand, you’ll find easy and fun projects you can do at home. While we’d love to have clients back to do all of these fun activities in class, this is the next best thing.

For now, stay well and stay safer at home, everyone. Remember, we’ll be together again soon, and that every day, there truly is something to be thankful for.  
