What We are Hopeful For

It’s hard to believe that it was just over a month ago when we reached out through social media and asked our community to share what they were thankful for as CP took part in #GivingTuesdayNow. It seems like so much has happened since then, and it has. We’ve all made it through the safer at home order (complicated by a whirlwind supreme court decision), CP reopened its doors a bit differently for clients and families and our country and communities have been shaken with recent national events regarding racism.

Back on May 5, during #GivingTuesdayNow, we celebrated all we were thankful for. As you sent in your messages that day, we developed a Thankful Wall at CP, literally filling up a wall in our conference room with your words of thanks. It was an amazing morning and it was a great representation that we all have so much to be thankful for.

As I was taking down the messages from friends, family and staff who helped us construct our Thankful Wall the other day, I started to wonder, in light of current events, what were we hopeful for?

So I brought the question to some of our folks at CP and I received some great answers. It seemed only appropriate to combine a reminder of what we were thankful for with what we are hopeful for. The message turned out to be a strong one:

Thank you to our community and CP friends and family who contributed to the notion that while we are all different, we are all hopeful.
