Get Out and VOTE!

While 2020 is a year many of us are looking forward to saying goodbye to, there are still a few important events taking place that we can’t forget. One of those is voting on Tuesday, November 3.

And if you or a loved one has a disability, understanding your rights and options on how to vote are extremely important. In Wisconsin, there are several invaluable resources that can help ensure every vote counts. 

Everyone who has the right to vote should have an equal chance at voting on Election Day. In fact, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, all polling places in Wisconsin must provide accessible voting equipment. If you are unable to physically go inside your polling place due to a disability, curbside voting from your car should also be available. This video from Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition explains it rather well.

Voting Resources

In addition to the video, the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition is a great resource full of information to help educate on topics including the rights voters with disabilities have, how to register to vote, how to safely vote during COVID-19, absentee voting and how to make your voting plan.

If your voting plan includes in person voting on Election Day, in Brown County, the Aging and Disability Resource Center offers a list of transportation options to help get you safely to your polling place.

Voting is an important right, and some say that voting in 2020 is more important than ever. So, make it a point to exercise your power to vote on Election Day. If you do, take a photo or send us a note to We’d love to see it!
