Getting Our Rocky On in September

 In September, there is a Rocky vibe going on around CP. You know the iconic moment when Rocky runs up thestairs to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and raises his arms triumphantly? It’s kind of like that. You can almost hear the music…

Getting strong now…. Gonna fly now…

That’s because September 1 is the start of the ForsiteBenefits MOVE Challenge. It’s a company vs company step challenge where area businesses compete against each other for the most steps taken during the month. This is the third year that CP has been fortunate enough to be the charity partner of the challenge. 

The MOVE challenge is a great employee event as it’s something that everyone can do on their own, or in small groups, but in the end, contributes to the success of the overall team. In a way, it’s kind of like how we do things here at CP. Every client has individual goals to work on. From improving fine and gross motor skills and learning new life skills, to working on socialization and building strength and endurance.

Even though each client’s goals are personal to them, we work as a team to help them find success. Whether it’s with a therapist, a teacher, an instructor or being cheered on by their peers, we applaud everyone’s accomplishments together; it’s what celebrating all abilities is about at CP.   

So as 45+ Forsite Benefits MOVE Challenge teams give it their all to get their steps in during the month of September, know that CP’s clients will be doing the same thing, every day, and cheering YOU on as well! Good luck to all of the participating teams!

Special thanks to Forsite Benefits for supporting CP and having us as the charity partner for such an amazing event. Learn more about our friends:

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