Make A Difference Day @ CP

 CP had a pretty memorable day last week. Our Green Bay location was bustling with activity for our first ever Make a Difference Day. Friends from Festival Foods, Associated Bank and United Health spent part of their work day learning about CP, participating in an interactive tour of the building, meeting and chatting with clients, including their tour guide, Dale, and enjoyed a food truck lunch.

The day gave CP an opportunity to show some of our closest partners how they make a difference to CP through their time and resources. It was a chance to get them onsite and see, firsthand, how their support moves in waves throughout the agency and effects our clients every day.As we took people on tours, I noticed there were certain comments that kept repeating: “I didn’t realize how big CP is,” or “I didn’t know you helped this many people,” and “I didn’t know you helped people with different conditions, not only cerebral palsy.”

While we stated as a nonprofit serving those with cerebral palsy back in 1954, CP has grown its services to support what our community and families have needed from us. While we certainly provide services to those with cerebral palsy, we also help individuals with Down syndrome, spina bifida and autism, to name a few. Some clients have medically complex cases or very rare conditions, while others are undiagnosed. We help people who have had their conditions since birth as well as those who need our services because something changed in their lives like a traumatic brain injury, recovery from surgery or post stroke. No matter the diagnosis, condition or path taken to get here, on thing is true: CP is a reflection of amazing human spirit.    

What was so great about Make a Difference Day is that we were able to show our staff’s expertise and the joy and determination our clients feel each day with our partners. I think everyone left that day with a better understanding of why their place of business supports CP. I hope they also left with a more personal connection as well; excited to share what they learned with co-workers, family and friends.

“You won’t believe what I saw at CP today!”

While safety precautions over the pandemic kept our Make a Difference Day participants at a safe distance, the impact was there. We are looking forward to making this an annual tradition at CP!

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