What's New at CP in 2022? A Lot!

Like most people, CP moved into 2022 with optimistic vibes. While times are certainly still challenging, there is a lot to look forward to this year. Here’s a quick look at some of the exciting things coming up at CP:

Current Aquatic Lounge

CP continues to grow – this time in Therapy Services. We’ll be starting a small construction project that will enclose our underutilized aquatic lounge and turn that space into a new, and much needed, therapy gym. Adding this space will do a lot to accommodate the growing number of clients we see in therapy services. Thanks to our friends at Keller for helping get this project underway!

Later this month, we’ll be hosting Clash of the Keys in Appleton for the first time ever! This fun and engaging dueling piano event, featuring the NEW Piano Guys, is sure to shake off the cold of winter for anyone. We’ll be hosting Clash of the Keys at the Outer Edge Stage on January 21, and we’d love to see you there. We are thrilled to be heading to Appleton and meet up with some new and old friends.

Telethon 2022 is just around the corner – and plans are well underway for this year’s show on WBAY
March 5 & 6. We’ll be celebrating a year of giving from our friends, community and partners, while keeping everyone safe with our COVID protocols. It’s going to be an exciting weekend, so we hope you tune in. We’re already accepting online donations and our VIPs are asking for support.

New in 2022 – we’ll be sharing more great information about what happens at CP than ever before. We’ll be sending more client stories, tips and tricks, information and education, recipes and art projects that our classes create, right to your inbox, just a few times a month. So, if you aren’t on our email list, now is the time to sign up!

CP is also looking ahead to warmer months (especially this week!). We’ll be sharing details about fun ways you can support CP this summer through several new partnerships that involve baseball, football, a furry critter or two, and art (we don’t want to spoil the surprise, but details are coming soon).

There is so much going on at CP now, and in the coming months, and we hope you’ll come along on the ride with us. Be sure to sign up to receive our emails so you won’t miss a thing!

