What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

CP serves people with a wide range of disabilities or conditions. Some disabilities occur at birth, while others may happen later in life or as a result from an injury, like a traumatic brain injury, or TBI.  

So, what is a TBI?

According to Mayo Clinic, traumatic brain injury usually results from a violent blow, jolt or penetrating injury to the head or body. Depending on the severity of the injury, brain calls can be affected temporarily or the injury can result in long-term complications or death.

Symptoms of a TBI

Traumatic brain injury can have wide-ranging physical and psychological effects. Some signs or symptoms may appear immediately after the traumatic event, while others may appear days or weeks later. Symptoms can present as physical, sensory or cognitive and can range from moderate to severe. 

How CP can help

CP’s Adult Day Services program has extensive experience working with clients who have a TBI, helping them stay engaged, active and as independent as possible. When a TBI clients first comes to CP, their needs are assessed, typically in the areas of exercise, communication and activity participation. Clients are then connected to classes that help build those skills.

Because being active is such an important part of brain health, a variety of exercise options is important for those with a TBI. At CP, clients can expect be active using 3 wheeled bikes, prone standers, gait trainers, a Nustep stationary bike, and more. Overhead lifts in each gym help accommodate all abilities.

Individual goals are established for each client and a consistent programming schedule is provided. Assessing goals and updating them as a client makes progress is all a part of the CP experience.

For more information about the services CP provides, please call us at (920) 337-1122 or visit wearecp.org  

