We’re ready to kick off Better Hearing & Speech month at CP!

Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) provides an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders and the role of CP’s speech-language therapists in providing life changing treatment.

For 2023, BHSM’s national theme is Building a Strong Foundation, and we think it’s a perfect way to help explain what happens at CP each day. Our therapy team works with children who present with a wide range of diagnoses. From autism and Down syndrome, to cerebral palsy and spina bifida, each child comes to CP with their own set of needs and goals, oftentimes involving communication or feeding and swallowing.

Our speech-language pathologists get right to work, spending time with a kiddo exploring different ways to communicate. Whether it’s through picture exchange, sign language, gestures or an assisted communication device, it’s finding what that foundation is where a child can express themselves. From there, the rest of the skills are built through a variety of creative, but impactful, techniques. It’s not uncommon to see kids bouncing on a trampoline, riding bikes in the hallways or playing a board game. When the child is engaged, goals can be reached.

When a child can’t communicate the way they want, or when others can’t understand them, it can lead to a very frustrating and overwhelming experience. The speech therapy team at CP works towards lessening that frustration and helping each child, in their own way, find their voice.

Learn more about CP’s speech therapy program or fill out an interest form. Or, keep in the know about all things CP by signing up for our emails.  
