What is a Sensory Room?

CP Fox Cities has a reason to shine bright! Thanks to a grant awarded from the Helen Thom Roemer Trust Fund through the Rotary Club of Appleton, the Adult Day Services program in Kimberly was able to purchase a LiteZilla to add to its sensory room.

What is a sensory room? It’s a quiet space designed to help create an environment that provides gentle sensory stimulation through the use of sights, sounds, texture and aromas in a safe and calm environment. To accomplish this, specialized equipment like bubble tubes, interactive panels, weighted fiber optics, multisensory seating and projectors are used. The sensory stimulus is meant for the client to enjoy and make choices to create the environment they prefer.

CP has sensory rooms at all three of its Adult Day Services locations. At Fox Cities, staff work with clients to help regulate their sensory system through participation in its onsite sensory center. The LiteZilla - a lighted sensory tool with pegs that can be moved to create colors and patterns - is the newest addition to our Fox Cities location and the clients are already enjoying all of the benefits.

When people are not able to process and respond to their sensory input appropriately, it can make the world a very confusing place, full of over- or under-stimulation. Their reaction tends to be seen as inappropriate and is often misunderstood. The goal of CP Fox Cities’ sensory room is to lessen over stimulation so a client remains calm, or to regulate their sensory input enough where they may be able to participate in typical class programming without stress.

Sensory regulation often plays a big role in a client’s progress as it will allow them to take the next steps to achieve their personal goals for independence, whether it be learning new life skills, socialization skills, or improving overall mental and physical health. Tools like the LiteZilla will go a long way to make a positive difference for each client.

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